Take action for the Panchen Lama

1. I Love the Panchen Lama:

I Love the Panchen Lama is a new webpage on the iheartibet website, that includes background information, an embedded music video by Sonam Tashi, a link to dedicated poems by Woeser (translated by High Peaks, Pure Earth), a message board and a link to an urgent action to United Front Minister Du Qinglin.

Please visit this page and leave a personal message for Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as well as take part in the urgent action.

2. Urgent Action to Du Qinglin:

The urgent action email (the text of which can be seen and copied at the end of this email) is available both through the Panchen Lama page above or by using the following link http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5380/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=2547. Please promote the urgent action via either weblink as far and wide as you can.

3. Messages to the Panchen Lama:

Groups across the globe are holding Panchen Lama protests and candlelit vigils on or around 25 April 2010. Street based activities are a great way to collect messages for the Panchen Lama that can be spread across the internet and/or sent directly to Du Qinglin.  Some suggested ways to collect and distribute message are:

* Send individual birthday cards to Gedhun Choekyi Nyima via Du Qinglin, the Minister in charge of the United Front Work Department, which we believe is the body that has contact with Gedhun and his family. The postal address is:

Minister Du Qinglin
United Front Work Department
135 Fuyou Road
Xicheng District
Beijing Municipality 100800
People's Republic of China

Reminders of other Political Prisoner actions:

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Petition: we have had numerous requests from Member groups to continue with the collection of signatures for this petition as groups believe they can collect many more. We are delighted with this and encourage all groups to collect more signatures during any of your activities. 

We have also been given some new audio material which we are making into a video, as a way to promote the on-line petition and we will be releasing this very shortly.

Dhondup Wangchen follow-up: We would also like to remind groups of the suggested follow-up action we issued for the second anniversary of Dhondup's detention on 26 March 2010;  we recommended that all member groups contact (or follow-up with) their Beijing embassy representatives, to urge them to do the following:

  • - Press China for information about the status of Dhondup Wangchen's (Ch: Dunzhu Wangqin) appeal and express concern for the sentence that he has been given.
  • - Support Dhondup Wangchen's right to appeal with independent legal representation chosen by his family

If you have received any feedback from the embassy or your governments please let us know as soon as possible. 

Urgent Action Text to Du Qinglin:
Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, Tibet's 11th Panchen Lama, will turn 21 on 25 April 2010. He and his family have been missing since the Chinese authorities abducted them in May 1995, when Gedhun was just six years old.

Despite numerous requests by foreign diplomats and United Nations representatives for verification of his well-being and whereabouts, no access has been given to Gedhun or his family for almost 15 years. 

Most recently Padma Choling, Governor of the Tibet Autonomous Region, stated "As far as I know, his family and he are now living a very good life in Tibet". To confirm this, we call on you to allow an independent expert to visit and verify the wellbeing of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and also to verify that he and his family are free to travel wherever they wish.

We also urge you to deliver the message below to Gedhun on the occasion of his 21st  birthday.

"21st Birthday Greetings to you, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, 11th Panchen Lama of Tibet. Our thoughts are often with you and we long to see you free."

杜青林 部長閣下: