Rangzen: International Tibet Independence Movement will be once again leading a March for Tibet's Indpendence in 2013, from March 23 to 30 in the Bay Area. March co-sponsors include Bay Area Friends of Tibet, Tibetan Association of Northern California, San Francisco Students for a Free Tibet, and San Francisco Regional Tibetan Youth Congress.
We will March 108 miles from TANC's community center in Richmond to Oakland, San Jose, and end at the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco.
We are looking for walkers. If you would like to join the walk for the entire time, please contact Benjamin Cox (773) 398-1178 benjamin@rangzen.org or Ngawang Norbu (773) 321-2858 or ngwang16@yahoo.com.
The detailed route and other info is now available at the March website: www.circlethebayfortibet.org